Adoption Process

If you found a bunny you like or are looking to adopt in the future, please go ahead and fill out our Interest Form. This will help us answer any questions, and get in touch with you about availability. 

After a conversation via email, text, or phone, you can move forward. If there are current available babies we will schedule a meet and greet to pick your new friend, ask any questions, and make a $50 deposit. Remaining $100 will be due at pickup. Pedigrees can be provided once your bunny has been spayed or neutered - just provide veterinary proof of the spay/neuter and we will send the pedigree to you! We recommend getting your bunny spayed/neutered before they turn 8 months old. Unfortunately, we cannot provide pedigrees to you before that time due to potential issues with accidental litters being sold under our name. We are more than happy to show you your bunny's pedigree and their parent's pedigrees at pickup or at your meet & greet!

Future Litters

If there are no available babies, and you'd like to adopt from us in the future, please fill out the Interest Form to get started. After being approved, you will join our no-cost contact list. We will send out updates when litters are born, and you can chose to adopt or pass on a litter. Once you have chosen a litter, you will deposit $50 towards the final cost to be added to the confirmed customer list for that litter. Once the babies are ready to reserve, I will schedule meet and greets in order of the confirmed list. You will be kept updated until 8-10 weeks old, when the remaining $100 is due at pickup.